Developing Ball Pulse Generator in Piezoelectric Transduction Designed on Wireless Sensing Devices


  • Gulhabib Hanifi Lecturer of Physics Department, Education Faculty, Ghazni University, Ghazni AFGHANISTAN.
  • Tooryalai Hamdard Lecturer of Basic Science Department, Medical Faculty, Nangarhar University, Nangarhar AFGHANISTAN.



Energy harvesting, piezoelectric energy, Piezoelectric Transduction, Piezoelectric pulse generator, wireless recognizing


Progressing Ball pulse generator through piezoelectric transduction is designated in this paper directed on wireless recognizing procedures. A silver rolling ball is stimulated popular the original through method of an inertial proof mass motivated finished outside waves at random low frequency. Winning development of the metallic resistant mass, magnetic construction can be extended near motivate the piezoelectric cantilever finished awarding tip magnets near the acceptable completion. Prevalent accretion, self-synchronous switching is achieved via relating electrodes toward the path of the developing ball. An unique passive prebiasing instrument is familiar toward advance the presentation of the pulse producer. Together simulation also new results continued showed near determine the expansion. Experimental results rally supplementary energy container remains impassive through the prebias instrument associated near the impartial occasion. A announcement circuit founded decided a Colpitts oscillator stayed constructed toward examination the presentation of the capacitor-powered oscillator which remains calculated in way of the load of the pulse generator. Through addition a voltage regulator element, the transmission circuit is accomplished of software design an instrument signal via frequency intonation which controls the possibility of affecting a developing ball wireless sensing original founded decided the piezoelectric pulse generator.


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How to Cite

Hanifi, G., & Hamdard, T. (2022). Developing Ball Pulse Generator in Piezoelectric Transduction Designed on Wireless Sensing Devices. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 2(6), 169–179.