Investigating the Relationship Between Online Advertising and the Level of Customer Satisfaction in Telecommunication Companies in Faryab Province


  • Pohaniar Yama Musammem Department of BBA, Faculty of Economy, Faryab University, AFGHANISTAN.



Online advertising, customer satisfaction, written messages, website, social media


Man is a needy being who has always sought to satisfy his needs throughout history, and in this regard, marketing science has taken an important role as the science of need recognition and mobility. Since the Internet plays an important role in quickly and cost-effectively disseminating information about products and services to attract and attract customer satisfaction, the importance of social media as an important online advertising tool to reach the target audience cannot be ignored. Easy access to information, the possibility of quick comparison of products and many other Internet facilities have made the power of customers far greater. And it is obvious that in order to stay in the competitive world, companies are forced to understand the attitude of customers as much as possible and try to use these methods in line with the interests of customers. The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between online advertising and the level of customer satisfaction in telecommunication companies in Faryab Province.


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How to Cite

Musammem, P. Y. (2023). Investigating the Relationship Between Online Advertising and the Level of Customer Satisfaction in Telecommunication Companies in Faryab Province. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 3(1), 71–78.