Vision of women’s Empowerment: A Critical Feminist Study of “Sultana’s Dream” by Begum Rokya Shakhawat Hossain


  • Md Najimuddin Lecturer, Department of English, Scholars' School and College, Dhaka, BANGLADESH.
  • Bilal Waziri Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Paktia University, Paktia, AFGHANISTAN.



Begum Rokya Shakhawat Hossain, Emancipation, Feminism, Veil, Women Education, Empowerment


The 19th century was a very dark period for the women of Bengal. For the most part of their lives, there was only one word - "no". Muslim women in particular lived under an imposed discipline. They were cruelly overpowered by the typical patriarchal norms of the society. During that period the women were not allowed to move outside the four walls of their homes and were even denied the basic rights such as education. Not only did they refuse to come before men, they also hid themselves in front of strangers such that even their voice could not be heard by the strangers. Not only in Bengal, but in the entire Indian subcontinent, the condition of women was extremely deplorable. Many people voiced their concerns against such harsh treatment of the women and among them Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain, a great pioneer for the emancipation women, believed in the freedom of woman from the shackles of male dominant society. She was a great pioneer of the rights of the women and believed in education for the emancipation of women in the sub-continent especially in Bengal. Her essay titled “The Sultana's Dream” is the manifestation of Rokeya's of the unfaltering approach towards empowering the women. Her essay, narrated in a dream sequence details her concept of the emancipation of women where they are subject to no restriction levied upon them by the male counterparts. She wants to see women in a variety of ways. Rokeya’s opinions are similar to the ones voiced in the 21st century feminists were women’s empowerment is considered as one of the mainstream developments and progress around the world. In the light of this, this paper presents a feminist study and deal with how Begum Rokeya has proved to be a champion of the rights of women by asserting that women are no less than their male counterparts.


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Hossain, Rokeya Sakhawat. Sultana’s Dream and Padmarag.Trans. Barnita Bagchi. New Delhi: Penguin, 2005.

Barry, Peter. Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 2002.

Freud, Sigmund. The Interpretations of Dreams. Read Books Ltd, 2013.

Begum, Hasna. Begum Rokeya: The Feminist Views and Visions. Dhaka: Sucheepatra, 2011. Hossain, RokeyaSakhawat. RokeyaRachanabali. Dhaka: Uttoron, 2006.

Susmita Roye, ―Sultana’s Dream vs. Rokeya‘s Reality: A study of one of the Pioneering‘ Feminist Science Fictions, Kunapipi, Vol. 31, 2009, p. 141.




How to Cite

Najimuddin, M., & Waziri, B. (2023). Vision of women’s Empowerment: A Critical Feminist Study of “Sultana’s Dream” by Begum Rokya Shakhawat Hossain. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 3(2), 43–48.


