A Local Snow-Ice Hazard Model Using Weighted Overlay Analysis: Predictive Spatial Decision Support System for Hazard Mitigation


  • Arun Pallathadka Independent Researcher, Automated Research for Urban Neighborhoods Lab, Portland, OR, USA.




snow-ice hazard, weighted overlay, GIS, risk assessment, emergency management


In this study, a local snow-ice hazard model was developed using a weighted overlay analysis approach based on three factors: elevation, slope, and aspect. The model assigns values between 0 and 1 to each input factor using appropriate functions and weights and then combines them into an overall Hazard Index, which represents the relative spatial risk of snow and ice hazards and can be used to identify areas with high or low hazard potential before or during extreme snow-ice events. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of weighted overlay analysis for local snow-ice hazard modeling and highlights the importance of considering multiple factors in hazard assessment. This model can be used for hazard mapping, risk assessment, and decision-making in planning and emergency management.


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How to Cite

Pallathadka, A. (2023). A Local Snow-Ice Hazard Model Using Weighted Overlay Analysis: Predictive Spatial Decision Support System for Hazard Mitigation. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 3(2), 60–62. https://doi.org/10.55544/ijrah.3.2.10


