Kosovo's Challenges in Education After the 1999 Conflict


  • Safet Krasniqi Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University “Ukshin Hoti” of Prizren, KOSOVA.




Ministry of Science and Education, KEEN – Kosovo Education for Employment Network, KESP-Kosovo Education Strategic Plan,


Classes in Kosovo are held in private and public educational institutions. Education in Kosovo went through very hard phases and challenges especially in the years 1990/1999 since differences and the need for change made us not entirely prepared. After the establishment of Kosovo Institutions, the Department of Education and Science (DES) was established within the Ministry of Education. The primary aim was to establish the legal and professional basis as a frontline of the reform of our education system, especially the acceptance of the Bologna processes that facilitate the radical reform of general and vocational education. This paper will address the aspects of reforming and progression of vocational secondary education, vocational schools, and correspondence to the needs of the EU market and the possibility of implementing in post-secondary and university higher education.


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Vocational Education and Training in Kosovo: Challenges and Opportunities, Published by the project "Kosovo Network for Education and Employment - KEEN", April 2019, Prishtina

Kosovo Agency of Statistics (2018) https://masht.rks-gov.net/uploads/2018/07/statistikat-e-arsimit-ne-kosove-2017-18 consulted on date; 02/03/2020.

American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo, Education and Labor Market in Kosovo and the European Union, Education and Labor Market in Kosovo and the European Union Project "Private Sector Development through the implementation of the SSA", Pristina, December 2018, p.5.

Vocational Education and Training in Kosovo, ibid , p. 15-16

Progress Report for Kosovo, Brussels, 6.10.2020, p.83

Ibid, pp. 18-21

Education development plan, 2017-2021 in the municipality of Prizren, Prizren, 2017

Annual statistical report with educational indicators 2015/16, MEST, December 2016

The Municipality of Prizren is located in the southwest of the Republic of Kosovo in an area of 640 km2 (5.94% of the territory of Kosovo) and consists of 76 settlements with 220,776 inhabitants3. One of the features of the Municipality of Prizren is its multi-ethnic character, as different communities coexist in it, such as: Albanians, Bosniaks, Turks, Gorani, Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians. Such a characteristic is reflected in all levels of education starting from preschool education to higher education. In the past, the municipality of Prizren had a local industry where different workers with different professions were employed. The industry in the municipality of Prizren was state-owned.

Ibid p.6

Ibid p.7

Law no. 04 / L-138 on Vocational Education and Training, article 4

Ibid, article 13

Administrative Instruction no. 14/2014 Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education (AVETAE), articles 3,4,5, and 8

Administrative Instruction no. 21/2016 on the allocation of budget funds from the category of subsidies and transfers

Report of the Organization., Aligning Education for Employment, (LLED) on the study of the current situation in Vocational Education and Training, Policy analysis and legal framework, definition of the selection process and criteria to harmonize educational programs with the market in Kosovo developed by Developed by EIPP for ALLED2 - European Institute for Public Policy, Prishtina, November, 2019, p. 41-42

ibid. pg.42-45

Report reference of KKKs of Kosovo at KEK, AKK, Prishtina, 2016


The Employment Agency of the Republic of Kosovo, the administration of the Vocational Training Center (QAP) are located in the regions of the Republic of Kosovo: Prishtina, Prizren, Peja, Gjakova, Ferizaj, Gjilan, Mitrovica and Doljane (northern part of Mitrovica)) with 69 workers and 30 different professions. In this center training and retraining of persons who are registered as jobseekers, unemployed and those who receive career guidance services are performed, in addition to all Employment offices in municipalities.

Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, Presentation of the "ALLED II" project. 14.12.2020.




How to Cite

Krasniqi, S. (2023). Kosovo’s Challenges in Education After the 1999 Conflict. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 3(1), 122–129. https://doi.org/10.55544/ijrah.3.1.22