The Effectiveness of Visual Arts Teachers and Students’ Practice of Portfolio Assessment at the Senior High School


  • Dr. Atta Kusi Ankrah Doctor, Department of Art, Christ the King College of Education, Appiadu-Kumasi, GHANA.
  • Patrick Osei-Poku Professor, Faculty of Educational Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, GHANA.
  • Osei Adiyaa Department of Visual Arts, SDA Senior High School-Agona, GHANA.



Portfolio assessment, Visual Arts, Effectiveness, Students, Teachers


Visual arts’, teachers and learners’ engagement with portfolio assessment was investigated in order to ascertain the effectiveness of their practice at the Senior High School (SHS) in Ghana. The qualitative research design which consists phenomenological study was engaged to answer the study question. The population of the study was 124 respondents from two selected Senior High School in Kumasi Metropolitan were sampled based on purposive and convenient sampling technique. Data was gathered using the questionnaire, interview guide and observational guide.  Data from the study was analysed through frequencies, percentages and content analysis. The study revealed that teachers and students aligned portfolio assessment with the objectives of the teaching syllabus; teachers evaluate students’ scores; teachers provide feedback to students on portfolio assessment; visual arts, teachers had limited knowledge in portfolio assessment, and as a result teachers in this study have been designing portfolio elements such as marking the rubric with difficulty; and professional support in the form of seminars/workshops and in-service training on portfolio assessment will be well come by teachers and students.


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How to Cite

Ankrah, A. K., Osei-Poku, P., & Adiyaa, O. (2023). The Effectiveness of Visual Arts Teachers and Students’ Practice of Portfolio Assessment at the Senior High School. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 3(2), 87–92.


