Fantastic Fusion of Fables and Fairy Tales in the Works of Paulo Coelho


  • Lakshmi Subramanian Assistant Professor, IIMT Group of Colleges, Greater Noida, INDIA.



Fantastic fusion of fables, Paulo Coelho, Fairy tales, Fables


By using individual psychology approach, this research paper intends to demonstrate the visible embodiment of Paulo Coelho's novel that has been analyzed. I intend to use the structural elements of the novel as a basis for analyzing the novel, followed by comparing the novel with the individual psychology methodology created by Alfred Adler. Qualitative research is the methodology that is used in this research. There are two types of data used in this research, primary data and secondary data. In this research, the primary data source is The Alchemist novel, and the secondary data source is the biography of the author, and websites which provide additional information about the author's individual psychology approach to consider. We analyzed the data in a descriptive manner, using descriptive statistics. Upon analysis of the data, the following conclusions were made. The psychological phenomenon in Paulo Coelho's book relates to the fact that an individual experiences a spiritual journey in accordance with an individual psychology approach analysis. Study results show that the story of Paulo Coelho illustrates psychological phenomena that individuals encounter during the travel to find treasures when they are seeking treasures. The hunt for treasure leads him to something more valuable than the treasure itself which is something that has a high spiritual level.


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How to Cite

Lakshmi Subramanian. (2022). Fantastic Fusion of Fables and Fairy Tales in the Works of Paulo Coelho. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 2(3), 15–19.


