Characteristics of an Exemplary Teacher in the Light of Prophetic Hadith


  • Muhammad Qasim Rashidi Primary Writer, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Shariah, Department of Islamic Studies, Badakhshan University, AFGHANISTAN.
  • Naqibuddin Qazizadah Corresponding Writer, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Shari'ah, Department of Jurisprudence and Law, Badakhshan University, AFGHANISTAN.



Education, Exemplary Teacher, Methodology, Teaching Method, Teacher, Hadith


The societal progress of any community is undeniably intertwined with the vitality and dynamism of its education system. Education serves as the foundation for the acquisition of knowledge, values, and skills, enabling individuals to actively contribute to society. Over time, the educational system has witnessed significant advancements and achieved commendable milestones, ultimately striving for perfection. In the modern educational landscape, educational institutions and teachers have access to various educational methods, activities, rules, advanced equipment, and facilities that play a pivotal role in the teaching and learning processes.

Islam, as a comprehensive and all-encompassing religion, has provided guidance for every aspect of life, including education. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) exemplified practical teaching methods that remain applicable and relevant even today. This article aims to briefly examine the teaching methods of an Exemplary Teacher employed by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and elucidate their potential significance in the contemporary teaching process. By understanding and incorporating these methods, Muslim educators can enhance their pedagogical approaches, aligning them with the timeless teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This exploration will contribute to the ongoing discourse on effective instructional strategies and their harmonization with Islamic principles, thereby fostering a comprehensive and holistic educational environment.


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How to Cite

Rashidi, M. Q., & Qazizadah, N. (2023). Characteristics of an Exemplary Teacher in the Light of Prophetic Hadith. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 3(3), 95–104.


