A Study on Perception of Investors Investing in Life Insurance Policies in North Gujarat


  • Abuzar H. Vora Assistant Professor, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Gokul Global University, INDIA.
  • Akbarhusen M. Siddhapura Assistant Professor, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Gokul Global University, INDIA.




Investment, Insurance, Life Insurance


Life is unpredictable and uncertain. There can be chance to unsound event. Life insurance provides financial assistance against if, unsound event with earning member and earning member of family death happen. Life insurance provides both benefit one is life cover and investment in form of saving. Various insurance related factors discussed in the study Such as gender, age, occupation, income level. We collect data from primary data and secondary data collection method. For that we conduct questioner survey by using Google form. We collect responds of 100 life insurance policy holders.   The study includes life insurance policy holder of North Gujarat Region. Research is based on demographic factors and tested them with the help of statistical tools of correlation. For the analyses the data, we have presented by charts and used percentage method. LIC is most valuable brand in life insurance industry in India but now a days private players increase their market share by providing batter services.   This study aims to measure the satisfaction levels of the investors towards the services provided by the LIC and Study about Perception of Investors Investing in Life Insurance Corporation.


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How to Cite

Vora, A. H., & Siddhapura, A. M. (2023). A Study on Perception of Investors Investing in Life Insurance Policies in North Gujarat. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 3(3), 113–115. https://doi.org/10.55544/ijrah.3.3.18


