Creativity, Innovation and Job Creation in Afghanistan Universities


  • Zahirshah Motahari Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Badakhshan University, AFGHANISTAN.
  • Habiburahman Rahmani Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Badakhshan University, AFGHANISTAN.



Creativity, Innovation, Job Creation, Higher Education, Education Atmosphere, University


Since human resources as one of the most important agents in the mental, managerial and technological terms hold a highly significant place in the production and job creation process, in the same way, universities serve as the ground in flourishing the creativity and innovation, thus, university campus is a better educational place in promoting the quality of knowledge, and training creative students. On the other hand, creativity, innovation and job creation in the university are vital matters, and can create business in different fields through offering unique and creative ideas; and, rescue the society from the economic and social issues and difficulties. As creativity and innovation are similar and are in close ties, in the same token, the basic categories which play roles in the creativity, innovation and job creation, are naturally similar and in alignment. The university campus atmosphere, the educational environment, creative professors, better curriculum and education area, education managers, research methodology and educational goals,  national strategy in job creation, determining financial budgeting for the job services, relationship of students with the work market and skill education, all are the key factors in developing creative and innovative ideas, and contribution to  job creation; however, due to lack of conformity between the education system and the work market demand, the unemployment of university graduates poses as one of the biggest economic and social problems in Afghanistan.


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How to Cite

Motahari, Z., & Rahmani, H. (2023). Creativity, Innovation and Job Creation in Afghanistan Universities. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 3(5), 151–164.