Translating Necessity Modality Verbs in Governmental Contracts Texts from Arabic into English


  • Sadiq Jaafar Alwan Department of Translation, College of Arts, Tikrit University, IRAQ.
  • Ahmed Hasani Yaseen Assistant Professor (Ph.D.), Department of Translation, College of Arts, Tikrit University, IRAQ.



Texts, Governmental, Necessity


The present paper goes to discover the notion and types of contracts. Moreover, it tries to find the employment of necessity modality verbs in the governmental contract’s texts. The methodology of analysis employed in this research is Fairclough's (1989) linguistic model, which is used in the analysis and interpretation of the necessity verbs in governmental contracts texts. The Data of this study have been rendered by 15 M.A. students in the department of translation at the College of Arts, University of Tikrit. The translational model suggested by Catford (1965) is also employed.


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How to Cite

Alwan, S. J., & Yaseen, A. H. (2023). Translating Necessity Modality Verbs in Governmental Contracts Texts from Arabic into English. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 3(6), 1–8.