Representation of LGBTQIA in Bollywood Films


  • Bedse Sunita Gauram Research Scholar, Department of English Research Centre, K.T.H.M. College, Dist-Nashik, Maharashtra, INDIA.
  • Dr. Dugaje M. D. Research Guide, Department of English, Arts, Science and Commerce College Ozar, Dist-Nashik, Maharashtra, INDIA.



Gender, Hindi Cinema, LGBT, Queer, Sexuality, Stereotypes, Stigma


India produces more Hindi films than any other country. Film portrayals of society mirror that culture, which in turn shapes social attitudes. Hindi film, also referred to as Bollywood, exhibits strong societal roots. The Delhi High Court authorized homosexual behavior in the last ten years, but the Supreme Court later declared it to be unlawful. These modifications mirror modifications in social views. In this paper, we focus on how homosexuality is portrayed in Hindi films in relation to social attitudes about both male and female homosexuality. In India, cultural and social values and attitudes towards sexuality have historically been positive. However, during the 200 years of British colonial rule, these values and attitudes towards homosexuality and homosexual men and women became extremely negative and even punishable, in line with the prevalent Victorian views on sex and sexual activity. The literature has identified and documented several sexual descriptions and identities. In this essay, we discuss a tiny number of Hindi movies that deal with homosexuality. These representations have generally been unfavorable. We discuss the reasons why this would be the case as well as the effect that these portrayals might have on viewers.


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How to Cite

Gauram, B. S., & Dugaje, M. D. (2024). Representation of LGBTQIA in Bollywood Films. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 4(2), 145–148.


