Party Politics in West Bengal: Historical and Contemporary Dynamics


  • Md. Iftekhar Hussain Research Scholar, Department of Political Science, MANUU. Hyderabad, Telangana, INDIA.
  • Aijaz Ahmad Mir Research Scholar, Department of Political Science, MANUU. Hyderabad, Telangana, INDIA.



West Bengal, party politics, governance, electoral dynamics, political parties, socio-cultural history, decentralization, policy reforms


Party politics in West Bengal is a complex and ever-evolving phenomenon deeply rooted in the state's socio-cultural history. This overview explores the dynamic landscape of party politics in West Bengal, tracing its historical evolution and examining the key players, ideological underpinnings, electoral strategies, and socio-economic factors that have influenced voter preferences over the years. From the pre-independence era's freedom struggle to the contemporary political dynamics dominated by the All-India Trinamool Congress (AITC) and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), West Bengal's political journey reflects its vibrant cultural mosaic and socio-political complexities. This paper also discusses the current scenario in West Bengal, highlighting the role of various political parties in recent local and assembly elections. The methodology involves a comprehensive review of academic papers and journals on various aspects of West Bengal's politics, governance, and societal dynamics. While existing literature touches on governance-related aspects like healthcare policies, decentralisation, and power sector reforms, there is a research gap in integrating these elements to provide a holistic assessment of West Bengal's governance model. The paper identifies this research gap and calls for a more comprehensive study that explores the interplay of political decisions, decentralisation efforts, and policy reforms in shaping the state's development and governance outcomes.


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Author Biography

Aijaz Ahmad Mir, Research Scholar, Department of Political Science, MANUU. Hyderabad, Telangana, INDIA.

Aijaz Ahmad Mir is a PhD scholar in Political Science Department at Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Telangana, India


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How to Cite

Hussain, M. I., & Mir, A. A. (2024). Party Politics in West Bengal: Historical and Contemporary Dynamics. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 4(3), 50–55.


