Innovative Approaches to LSRW Skills Development Using PowerPoint Presentations: A Review


  • Dr. M. Vanisree Assistant Professor, Department of English, B V Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, INDIA.
  • V. Mahitha B.Tech. I Year, Department of Bio-Medical Engineering, B V Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, INDIA.
  • S. Sri Laxmi Prasanna B.Tech. I Year, Department of Bio-Medical Engineering, B V Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, INDIA.



LSRW, Cognitive Load Theory, Multimodal Theory, Constructivism, PowerPoint Presentation


This study aims to investigate how using PowerPoint helps language learners with their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Multimedia components, interactive exercises, and structured information in PowerPoint can significantly improve a variety of language abilities, according to a study based on a review of a bibliography that includes the majority of the pertinent literature. Theoretical frameworks that shed light on the benefits of utilising PowerPoint presentations to enhance language instruction include constructivism theory, multimodal learning theory, and cognitive load theory. Therefore, classroom techniques, multimodal learning environments, and accessibility enhancements should be taken into consideration as new study subjects, according to the post. One of the suggestions to be given to teachers is to provide interactive presentations that engage pupils. Furthermore, educators might employ the skill of incorporating assignments that engage every student and enhance their language competence. Teachers can help to create an inclusive, productive teaching and learning environment that addresses the necessary abilities to convey LSRW by using PowerPoint.


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How to Cite

Vanisree, M., Mahitha, V., & Prasanna, S. S. L. (2024). Innovative Approaches to LSRW Skills Development Using PowerPoint Presentations: A Review. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 4(1), 186–190.