A Sociological Perspective on Morrison’s Translation Work in China


  • Duan Jiayi Postgraduate Student, School of Interpreting and Translation Studies, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, CHINA.




Morrison, Translation, Sociology, Actor-Network, Bourdieu


During his twenty-five years of missionary work in China, Robert Morrison creatively engaged in activities such as translating the Bible, compiling the Chinese-English Dictionary, and founding the periodical of the Anglo-Chinese Evangelization Society. He made the acquaintance of and employed Chinese engravers, printers, and language teachers like Yong Sam Tak, Leang-Kung-fah, Tase-a-ko, and Kew-agong, and conducted various translation activities in China. This article, from the perspective of social translation studies, explores the structure and dissemination of Morrison's translation endeavors in China from a macro perspective. Using Latour's Actor-Network Theory (ANT) to analyze both human and non-human actors, and supplementing it with Bourdieu's social theory, this study reveals how Morrison mobilized and coordinated these actors to advance his translation projects. Ultimately, this forms a complete closed loop of Morrison's translation network in China, providing insights for translation activities, sinology, and translation studies during the period of Sino-Western cultural exchange.


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How to Cite

Duan, J. (2024). A Sociological Perspective on Morrison’s Translation Work in China. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 4(4), 16–22. https://doi.org/10.55544/ijrah.4.4.4


