Co-Creating Business Concepts with Customers: Approaches to the Use of Customers in New Product/Service Development


  • Santhosh Palavesh Independent Researcher USA.



Value co-creation partners, customer participation, new products, service innovation, openness, customer platform, SQL logic, customer oriented innovation, co-design, customer dominating innovation


This extensive research paper work attempts to investigate the approaches of customer integration in new product and service development through co-creation. It explores conceptual issues, approaches, and frameworks concerning customer co-creation in the best practices. It reveals difficulties and developments in the direction of this outlook while explaining the state of development of customer-driven innovations. That is why in this paper, a systematic review of the related literature has been conducted together with the introduction of new vision, and the goal has been to contribute into the existing know-how of both practitioners and academicians in field of customer-driven innovation with methodological recommendations on application of co-creation methodology in different kinds of organizations.


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How to Cite

Palavesh, S. (2021). Co-Creating Business Concepts with Customers: Approaches to the Use of Customers in New Product/Service Development. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 1(1), 54–66.